February 13, 2007

Archives April-May 2006

Friday, May 19, 2006
"same work, different pay"
My hubby recently has been working @ Indonesia retail market."casual Work" sure.....!
My Vietnamesee friend is working for syabil Hotel as home keeper."low wage" sure....!
My swiztland friend is working for unihouse as cleaner."part timer" sure....
all of them have paid Aus$ 10-15 per hour which is equal to Rp. 70.000-150.000/hour.

Org OZ benci "immigrant", mereka pikir kenapa kita mau dibayar murah seperti itu...yang tentu saja mereka "tolak". Coba pikir kenapa?
This year statistic biro predicts 15% unemployement people will increase.Kenapa coba?
nanti deh jawabnya....kuliah, thesis, submit, dulu ya....

Posted at 01:16 pm by is_dich
Monday, May 01, 2006

Australian body soldier 2
Yang kasian...dan yang perlu digaris bawahi sebenarnya dalam kasus kovco, adalah ;
illustrasinya : ada dua orang yang sama-sama mati , sama-sama dalam suasana perang di Irak, bedanya satunya dianggap pahlawan satunya lagi dianggap nothing!
bayangkan, bagaimana nasib mayat yang dikira kovco yang diterbangkan ke Oz? dia kan juga punya keluarga, teman, negara, tapi kenapa perlakuannya beda? belum tentu matinya sekonyol kovco, siapa tau dia malah yang mati syaih?
bener...bener...gile...sampai saat ini tidak diberitakan ttg mayat itu...semoga dia selamat...amin.
Posted at 02:02 pm by is_dich

"first Autralian soldier Body"
"kekonyolan Australia"
On Anzac day 25 aPRIL 2006, Diperingati oleh seluruh Australian sebagai penghargaan atas jasa2 tentaranya yang mati di Italia melawan Turki Usmaniyah. Jalan-jalan di pernuhi parade parade para purnawirawan, dan Howard said" this is the time when we remember their sacrifice...."
Taon ini agak berbeda, karena 24 april sebelumnya, tentara Australia pertama di Irak dikabarkan meninggal dunia karea tertembak. Jadi Anzac Day this year dipenuhi dengan ungkapan belasungkawa kepada Private Jake Kovco- kroasian yang menjadi tentara OZ di Iraq-dan keluarganya.
Kovco's body dikabarkan akan tiba di Oz sabtu dinihari, jadi tentara Oz, persiapan kedatangan, keluarga beserta teman-temannya telah hadir di airport untuk menjembut Jenazah yang menjadi Pahlawan di Anzac day.
KONYOLnya, Sejam sebelum tiba di bandara Melbourne, Menteri Pertahanan Oz di telp dan dikabarkan bhw another body is flying to Melbourne while Kovco's body still rely on iraq morque...."kasian de luh".
The Age on saturday write head title "EXCLUSIVE, Inside this decrepit Kuwait mortuary Jake Kovco lay for five days. Instead of his body coming home, it was lost. This is the shocking story of how Autralia treated its first army casualty in Iraq".
Kekonyolan Australia. Jadi bayangkan saja.... betapa konyolnya pemerintah Australia yang telah salah kirim jenasah tentara mereka...masalahnya ini tentara pertama yang mati di irak boz....he..he...yang jelas Howard agak sedikit merah kupingnya di telepon oleh istrinya kovco di tengah malam...

Kekonyolan kedua...kematian Kovco sampai saat ini masihdi pertanyakan karea menurut jubir pertahanan dia mati karena kecelakan " tertembak pistol sendiri di dalam kamarnya ketika sedang mengirim email" hebat kan....? yah saya yakin saat ini sedang diadakan spekulasi ttg proses kematian kovco yang sebenarnya bede... yes great!!! iyo tawwa, pahlawan ini kaue masa' matinya karena tetembak kekonyolan sendiri.
JAdi yes folks....begitulah...Australia ....kasian!!!!!
Posted at 01:44 pm by is_dich

Baby's skeleton
baby's development on week 20 (my pregnancy diary-01-05-06)
"The fetus is now following a regular schedule of sleeping,turning,sucking and kicking- and has settled upon a favorite position within the uterus"
Common Discomforts"varicose Veins, backpain, short breathless, trouble in sleeping, lapar mulu...tapi tetap kurus"
Common Feeling"geli....between 7-9pm..the baby's movement feel like blowing bubbles through a straw in my stomachs"
Father's comment"kok tengkoraknya...kaya saya ya?...tapi kalo anaknya lahir dengan rambut banyak, berarti gen bundanya lebih kuat kayanya"
Bunda's comment" nice kiddo....be nice there, in my mommy tummy....may God protect you, dear!!!""tidur...tidurlah...anakku sayang...etta lagi kerja, tengah malam nanti dia akan datang menyapa kita....semoga dia selamat di perjalanan pulang. Amin."

Posted at 01:30 pm by is_dich
Thursday, April 27, 2006

I think indo Gov't should concern more to Papua, instead of their exploitaion to people and natural resources. I agree to free papuan movement in term of they give pressure to central govt to be more fair to papuan people.
However, Papua case is different from Tim-tim, Aceh, or Free sulawesi movement. They are different in historical background, culture, perspective, therefore foreign govt and media could not then generalized separatism in indo.
so' Indo Govt Gammabate kudasai...
Come on SBY, masa negara kita dibilang negara coerge? yeng mengenocide papuan, pembodohan secara structrual dan terencana.....come.on.
Posted at 11:20 am by is_dich

Yesterday, we got bday invitation from our "bule" friend. Previously, we didin't know that her party was in the west papuan fundrising.
sedikit menyesal,we put $20 for entering the room which later we knew for free west papuan campaign.
The party was a little bit wild with many society gathered. It then we knew later, the fundrising not only for 42 asylum seekers but also for "animal liberation", "protect our forest", "Vic water conservation", "Che Guevara", etc...
yet, we relized that 42 papuan were sitting in round table, lonely ( they can't communicate in English, despite their leader), isolated, no one notice, paranoid with others, seperti nga tau apa-apa....
Then, we concluded that -by looking their apperances- they are just politics comodity...which they didn't know what they look for, how's the future, how's their family in papua, etc... Kasian banget deh liatnya... mereka seperti dipajang untuk dilihati... dan dikasihani..dan tidak ada yang perhatikan mereka karena semua pada sibuk dengan organisasi masing2.
lebih kasian lagi all they feel now is "honey moon" (di luaran mereka di urus , diberi t4 tinggal bagus, makan, duit) tpi trus...gimana kelanjutannya?
apa kalo mereka dilindungi Aussie gov't hidup mereka lebih layak? liat aja kasus Timor2, masyarakat di Dili saja yang merasakan kemerdekaan tapi di daerah suburb? luar dili?..the fact , high maternal risk ada di tim2 according to WHO.
Kaya'nya mereka kelihatannya dilindungi Aussie, but i'll bet u no they're NOT!
Posted at 10:46 am by is_dich

My Baby Progress

MY BABY's 1st USG Pic
Last week, I've bleeding .I'm really worried about it. But my hubby said it just usual for pregnant women to get bleeding because vericose vein or constipation...
Then, I went to emergency( actually, it was not an urgent condition, but they placed me there) in Royal Women Hospital. They're really great in service. I got general check up, including Ultrasound, vaginal testing, blood testing, and phsycally testing.
Alhamdulillah, everything is ok... yeah for you all to know, while i am pregnant i do not keen to take a pic', I don't know why! I rather taking others picture than taking picture of myself. I wonder...my baby dislike to be a model in the future...BUT.....while the doctor was taking her/his picture by USG, u know she/he was moving and sucking his/her fingers in a lovely position...oh GOD...therefore the baby has a pic in sucking style...ih...cute...banget deh!!!
Since then, every night aroun 7-11 pm, I feel like bubbling in my stomach...geli deh...the baby's moving now!!!!
Lucunya....his father never felt the movement, he's embraced maybe...
doakan yah...semoga dia sehat-sehat saja. AMIN
"Rabbana Ma halaqta Hadza Bathila, Subhanaka Faqina Asabannar"
Posted at 10:10 am by is_dich

ada semuaki tawwa.....
hi...bloggers!!!Ih gang, adaki juga aan, yuyun, anna.....lia,so on...malu-maluka ...biasa amateur blogger...
dasar dirimu aan....biar juga posting comment, rada-rada nyair gitu...ah! jadi nga pede...kapan ya, selihai dirimu.....
Nyom-nyom....di rumahku, kapasitas internetnya kaya di makassar, lama bo!!!
yuyun.... masih dong, de! apa kabarmu?
Lia,...canti' apa mi kita biking?
yang lain...maaf ya kalo baca blog ku agak sedikit emotional,sentimentil,cengeng,plus sedikit bersedekah...(apa hubungan coba) ya mohon mahfum...orang hamil agak-agak aneh dikit gitu.
BTW, thanks anyway.... for reading my mind burden....please add if you don't mind
Posted at 09:57 am by is_dich

Monday, April 10, 2006
the baby heartbeat...
Oh God....
We heard the baby's heartbeat this morning. Thank for Doppler who innovate the Dopple sounds therefore we can hear sound of the baby.Thank for God who creates him and let him know a little bit God's Knowedge.
Thanks God, there is "something" alive in my worm and everyday's means bigger and bigger.
Thanks God, for healthy body both of us, because eventhough I couldn't eat in first trimester, all test's results are fine... Alhamdulillah.
Thank God for sending my hubby beside me now and help me to explain what is happening inside me.
Thank God to release the thankful feeling inside us for letting me realize how much He gave us his blessing.
Thank God to friends who read this blog for showing me how care they are....
Posted at 11:11 am by is_dich

commenwealth Games- thank you announcement
Austalian Open, kemaren sudah lewat, commenwealth Games yang diadakan 4 tahun sekali juga sudah lewat, minggu lalu Albert Park jadi saksi kemenangannya tim Renault plus Alonso di Grand Prix F1, kayanya Melbourne ini suka sekali ya dengan hal-hal yang berbau sport.
Ya mungkin juga karena Victoria Gov't sangat concern sama fasilitas olahraga. Dimana-mana lapangan terhampar di mana-mana dan LUAS! (karebosi kayanya cuma 1/6 deh) bisa dipake untuk jogging, soccer, AFL, Rugby, criket (only God can explain the rule of this Game....nga ngertiiiiii!!!) belon swimming pool, belon lagi fasilitas untuk children sport...gimana Australia nga nyapu bersih semua cabang jika dari kecil aja sudah di support oleh Gov't nya.
Ya sah-sah saja kalo bibit ramang di sepakbola, elvira rosa nasution di renang sudah habis. Apalagi andalan-andalan pada lari ke negeri lain untuk jadi pelatih, ya bener sih rexy mainaky jadi pelatih di Inggris, belom dapat respects, belon dapat tunjangan seumur hidup, belon dapat fasilitias melatih yang wow! belon dapat anak didik yang bededikasi karena nga usah mikirin dana latihan.
Beside that,... bukan hanya atlet Austrlia yang menang yang dapat penghargaan...semua melbourian dapat penghargaannya. After the Games Finished. Vic Gov't mengeluarkan Iklan, promosi dan Selebaran yang mengucapkan terima kasih atas semua melbourian atas terlaksananya event ini. They thank for the police for security, drivers for transportation, children, adults, disable,eldery for support and warm welcoming.dan semua hal kecil yang nga kepikiran bagi kita untuk di jadikan "thanks".
Lagi-lagi..... begimana kita berterima kasih sama Tuhan ya ( bersyukur ) kalo ke orang lain aja kita nga bisa berterima kasih....
Posted at 10:53 am by is_dich

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